Are You Looking For A Good Book? Then This Is The Blog For You.

Welcome to Daphne’s Awesome Book Reviews blog!  My name is Daphne.  I am 10 years old and love to read.   I read so much and enjoy reading so much, I thought I would like to share them with other readers who might enjoy them, too.   All of the books I will review are books I have read or listened to myself.

Each book will have a summary.  I will rate each book on a scale of 1 to 10, ( 10 is the most) based on my opinion of how good I think the book is.   If the book is part of a series, I will give an overall rating of the series as well.

All the books will be appropriate for children (and adults!).  I will not review any books that have any type of pornography or swearing.  At the end of each review, I will recommend an age range for readers based on my experience with the book.  I hope you will enjoy my reviews and enjoy the books.

Happy reading and don’t forget to leave comments!

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